

Transparency and Sophisticated Simplicity in Wealth Management

The investment management landscape continues to evolve and become more multifaceted with intricate investment options and solutions for investors. Yet, as the wealth management industry has become more complex, transparency – as it pertains to underlying investments, terms and fees – has rapidly declined. In 2008, stress and volatility in the markets tested the wealth management industry; many investors awoke to the harsh realization that their investments were not liquid or they could not immediately access their funds. These communication failures, and their sometimes severe consequences, left many distrusting their advisors and wealth managers. In a post-2008 and post-Madoff world, we believe that the need for transparency  is paramount. Wealth managers must be honest and open about your investments – whether it relates to fees, performance, or transaction and portfolio decisions. By focusing on and enhancing communication and the language and tools we use to work together, we strive to be better equipped in making smart decisions and establishing  appropriate asset allocations, taking into consideration your goals but more importantly, your risk budget.

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